
Register On-Line

If you are unable to register online, please contact us at (450) 672-7897.

Deadline - 19 September 2024

*Please note that registration fees are payable by e-mail (Interac) only. 

Information about payment is given in the email confirming registration.

Initiation Band (beginners) Registration cost: 

Note that at the end of the 12 weeks of the winter session, it is possible to join the Adagio band for 6 weeks of additional rehearsals.

Adagio and Allegro Bands Registration cost

An instrument is not included in the registration fees but you will receive a method book.

Terms & conditions

Payment options & Reimbursement policies

Registrations fees are payable by the first rehearsal of each semester. If a musician joins the band later in the term, the registration fees must still be paid in full. No exceptions will be allowed.

Payment methods:

Late payments:

Refund Policy:

Discharge of responsibility:

It is essential that you familiarize yourself with our code of ethics which contains much useful information in addition to the various "dos" and "don'ts", before the first rehearsal.